
Our vision plans provide discounts on exams, eyeglasses or contacts, and other vision services.

Standard and Enhanced Vision Plans Direct Link

The Standard and Enhanced Vision Plans are offered through VSP. Both plans provide discounts on exams, eyeglasses or contacts, and other vision services.

Your benefits are highest when you visit a VSP provider. If you see a non-VSP provider, you’ll have to file your own claim forms and you’ll likely pay more out of pocket. The benefits shown in the table apply to in-network services and providers.

Find a Vision Provider

To find an in-network provider, visit or call (800) 877-7195.

Vision Benefit Summary Direct Link

Benefit Feature VSP Standard Vision Using VSP Provider VSP Enhanced Vision Using VSP Provider
Eye Exam (Once each plan year)Covered in full with $10 copay Covered in full with $10 copay

Once every other plan year Covered up to a $130 retail allowance; plus 20% off any out-of-pocket costs

Once every plan year
Covered up to a $175 retail allowance; plus 20% off any out-of-pocket costs
Lenses (Once each plan year)
Single vision, lined bifocal, lined trifocal
Covered in full with $25 copayCovered in full with $10 copay
Lens Options
Scratch resistant coating, ultraviolet coating, tint, standard polycarbonate, anti-reflective coating, other add-ons and services

20% to 25% off retail cost

20% to 25% off retail cost
Contact Lenses (Once each plan year in lieu of frames and lenses)Contact lens exam (fitting and evaluation): Covered in full with copay not to exceed $60

Contact lenses: Covered up to $130 allowance
Contact lens exam (fitting and evaluation): Covered in full with copay not to exceed $60

Contact lenses: Covered up to $175 allowance