
A financial safety net should you become unable to work.

Short-term disability insurance salaried partners Direct Link

Short-term disability pays a portion of your earnings while you are temporarily disabled. Partners in California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island are also covered under a state disability plan. Short-term disability benefits from Petco are reduced by payments you receive from state plans. Officers and directors are not eligible for buy-up coverage.

CoverageWaiting PeriodCoverage AmountPaid by
Basic short-term disability7 days

60% of eligible weekly earnings up to:

- Salaried partners: $500

- Directors: $2,000

- Officers: $3,500


Buy-up short-term disability17 days

67% of eligible weekly earnings up to:

- Salaried partners: $1,500


1Officers and Directors are not eligible for Buy-up coverage.

Long-term disability insurance salaried partners Direct Link

Long-term disability provides financial protection in the event you are unable to work for an extended period of time. Benefits begin after 180 days of disability and continue until you are no longer disabled or reach age 65 (if you become disabled at age 60 or younger). If you become disabled after age 60, benefits continue according to a schedule. Refer to the Summary Plan Description for more information.

CoverageWaiting PeriodCoverage AmountPaid by
Voluntary long-term disability180 days

50% of monthly earnings up to a max benefit of $10,000 per month


Evidence of insurability (EOI) Direct Link

If you elect buy-up short or long-term disability after your initial eligibility period, evidence of insurability is required to have buy-up coverage. For short and long-term disability coverage, EOI is an application process in which you provide information on the condition of your health to get certain types of insurance coverage.

Short-term disability insurance hourly partners Direct Link

Short-term disability pays a portion of your earnings while you are temporarily disabled. Partners in California, Hawaii, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island are covered under a state disability plan and are not eligible to participate in voluntary short-term disability.

CoverageWaiting PeriodCoverage AmountPaid by
Voluntary short-term disability7 days60% of eligible weekly earnings up to $500 per weekYou

Long-term disability insurance hourly partners Direct Link

Long-term disability provides financial protection in the event you are unable to work for an extended period of time. Benefits begin after 180 days of disability and continue until you are no longer disabled or reach age 65 (if you become disabled at age 60 or younger). If you become disabled after age 60, benefits continue according to a schedule. Refer to the Summary Plan Description for more information.

CoverageWaiting PeriodCoverage AmountPaid by
Voluntary long-term disability180 days60% of your monthly earnings up to $2,000 per monthYou

Evidence of insurability (EOI) Direct Link

If you elect voluntary short or long-term disability after your initial eligibility period, evidence of insurability is required to have voluntary coverage. For short and long-term disability coverage, EOI is an application process in which you provide information on the condition of your health to get certain types of insurance coverage.